Preventative Services

Dental prevention is the most important aspect of oral health. Preventing the problem is much easier and less costly than repairing one. When it comes to your teeth and gums there are a few techniques that can really decrease your risk of disease:

Brushing twice daily:

Getting in the habit of brushing in the morning and before bed is paramount to a healthy smile. Throughout the day as we eat we accumulate food particles and other debris in the spaces between our teeth and gums as well as the crevices on our teeth. This buildup can easily be removed manually with tooth brushing. Proper technique is important and can be demonstrated by a dentist or dental hygienist. Other important facts about brushing: brush for a minimum of 2 minutes each time, do not use a hard brush or a lot of force, change your brush every 3 months, brush your tongue.

Flossing daily:

Flossing is an important tool in adequately removing food and bacteria from between teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach. Proper technique is important and can be demonstrated in a dental office. Flossing may be difficult in the beginning but becomes easier and faster with each successful flossing. For those with crowns, bridges or implants a dentist may also recommend a water flosser. Speak your provider about your specific needs.

Dental Cleanings:

Visiting your dentist for a cleaning at least twice a year is necessary when your goal is prevention. Not only can your dentist help remove anything that has built up, they can also advise you on how to improve your preventative dental techniques to ensure continued health of the teeth, gums and overall mouth. Visiting with a dentist can also identify smaller cavities or gum/soft tissue problems before they become serious. This can save you a lot of time and money since most small problems are an easy fix.